Simple Pet Care Solutions
Welcome To Little Paws Pet Club

Hello and welcome to Little Paws Pet Club! My name is "Little" and I'm the President of Little Paws Pet Club. If you want to be part of our club, just stop in and enjoy all of the free pet information that we share! Be sure to take part in our club by leaving your comments too! Check back often for lots of free pet ideas, pet patterns, healthy pet recipes and more! Thanks for stopping in! Your Little Paws Pet Club President~Little~
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Please Read This Post Before Continuing

I have created this site as a means to assemble all of my pet information in an organized, fun and easy to reference manor.

Of course I am not a veterinarian, so I can not guarantee the accuracy or safety of any information posted here. Before using any of the information contained in this blog, please consult with a veterinarian to be sure that the recipes, pet toys, patterns or other ideas posted here are appropriate for your pet.

Note: All of the patterns, recipes, information and instructions posted here are my own original writings, thoughts and ideas and are not to be copied for distribution or resale.

I have always loved and owned pets of all kinds. I hope that you enjoy visiting my pet blog and stop back often for lots of fun.


Grapes And Raisins Toxic To Cats And Dogs!

Hello Little Paws Pet Club Members! Little the cat here. Even though I had a little too much fun at the party last night, I thought that it was best that I show up for work today and alert everyone to this important notice!

With the holidays here and everyone in a baking mode, I thought that it would be a good idea to point out a potential health hazard to our cats and dogs that many pet owners are not aware of.

That potential health hazard is grapes and raisins! Grapes and raisins are a very real health threat to your cat or dog if they consume them. Most pet owners are unaware of the fact that grapes and raisins are poisonous to their cats and dogs.

Between January 2001 and August 2004 the animal Poison Clontrol center received more than 200 calls from pet owners seeking help because thier dogs had potentially eaten grapes or raisins and were suffering the diverse affects.

The amount of grapes or raisins that a cat or dog needs to eat before poisoning symptoms develop varies. Some cats and dogs may experience an initial gastrointestinal upset after consuming grapes or raisins. This can potentially be followed by acute renal failure or kidney failure which can be deadly.

After your cat or dog has consumed grapes or raisins, vomitting will often occur within the first few hours. You may notice undigested grapes or raisins in your pets vomit or fecal matter. Other possible symptoms include diarrhea, depression, abdominal pain and excessive thirst.

If you believe that your cat or dog may have consumed grapes or raisins it is important that you seek veterinary care for your pet immidiately. The key to preventing acute renal failure in a cat or dog that has consumed grapes or raisins is early recognition and immidiate veterinary medical attention.

Please remember to keep all holiday treats safely up and away from all of your pets and have a safe and happy holiday season.

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